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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 1

Naslov:Handbook of bereavement research : consequences, coping, and care / edited by Margaret S. Stroebe ... [et al.]
Impresum:Washington, DC : American Psychological Association , cop. 2001
Materijalni opis:xv, 814 str. ; 27 cm
Ključne riječi:tugovanje
Sažetak:he Handbook of Bereavement Research provides a broad view of diverse contemporary approaches to bereavement, examining both normal adaptation and complex manifestations of grief. In this volume, leading interdisciplinary scholars focus on 3 important themes in bereavement research: consequences, coping, and care. In exploring the consequences of bereavement, authors examine developmental factors that influence grief both for the individual and the family at different phases of the life cycle. In exploring coping, they describe new empirical studies about how people can and do cope with grief, without professional intervention. Until recently, intervention for the bereaved has not been scientifically guided and has become the subject of challenging differences of opinion and approach. Chapters in the care section of the volume critically examine interventions to date and provide guidance for assessment and more theoretically and empirically guided treatment strategies. The Handbook provides an up-to-date comprehensive review of scientific knowledge about bereavement in an authoritative yet accessible way that will be essential reading for researchers, practitioners, and health care professionals in the 21st century.
Sadržaj:pt. 1 -- Theory, methodology, and ethical issues -- pt. 2 -- Consequences : the bereaved individual across the life span -- pt. 3 -- Consequences : the bereaved individual in social context -- pt. 4 -- Coping : basic concepts and their measurement -- pt. 5 -- Coping : exploration of the mechanisms -- pt. 6 -- Care : intervening in the coping process -- pt. 7 -- Retrospective on the new handbook : editorial view
APA CC:3120 3310
Ostali autori / urednici:Stroebe, Margaret S. ; Hansson, Robert O. ; Stroebe, Wolfgang ; Schut, Henk
Signatura:3310 2001 HAN
Inventarni broj:17/2006
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za psihologiju, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/psihologija

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Schut Henk )
